Safety Health and Environment

The Safety, Health and Environmental Policy (S.H.E Policy) of Integrated Golden Solutions Company was specifically developed to ensure that the company provides a work environment for employees, that is free of hazards and risks that could jeopardise their health and safety.

 Subsequently this specific policy document must always be used as a guideline in the interpretation, implication and implementation of all legislation directly related towards the creation of a Safe, Healthy and Environmental conducive workplace. 

 The provision of safe, healthy, environmental sound workplaces and work practises, governing employees at work, is the responsibility of every employer.

 Numerous research conducted over the last sixty years has proven beyond a shadow of doubt, that a safe, healthy, environmentally friendly workplace and work practices, increases the productivity of employees, while significantly reducing the risk of operational interruptions, property loss, property damage and incidents of unnecessary occupational illnesses or injuries.

 The increasingly noticeable effects of unsafe, unhealthy, environmentally unsound work and life style practises, coupled with an increasing human population, are placing an untold strain on the human population and the environment in which we live and work. Worldwide, it is accepted that every effort should be made to preserve life and the environment.

 Implementation of effective safety, health and environmentally sound management systems greatly contributes towards the limitation of environmental pollution and secondly, creates micro - entrepreneurial employment opportunities for disadvantaged individuals. 

 Well conceived environmental management practices in a workplace will reduce operational costs incurred by an organization.

 Information from various sources has been utilised in the development of this policy document for Integrated Golden Solutions Company. The Information and systems have been adapted for the specific requirements of the company, thus ensuring this policy document is specific to Integrated Golden Solutions Company and that it is unsuitable for use by any other organization.

 Acknowledgement must therefore be specifically made to the–

(a). American Occupational Health and Safety Administration.

(b). Health and Safety Executive of the United Kingdom.

 The leaders of IGS firmly believes quality and proper quality management systems.  We believe that the shortest and lowest cost means of getting a job done is the quality way. 

 All employees of Integrated Golden Solutions Company who are directly involved in the implementation and maintenance of the S.H.E management system will report directly to the S.H.E and QC Manager or to any other responsible person, in any manner that may be prescribed by the Technical General Manager.

Please contact us at to obtain a copy of our HSE manual