The Dip Proofing Inverter Products


Provides a voltage ride through solution for process controls that suffer from voltage interruptions (including sags) less than 3 seconds in duration.


·        Supports components susceptible to voltage events ie. Contactors, relays, solenoids, PLC and other control elements

·        Battery-less, therefore no replacement and maintenance costs or hazardous waste

·        Fast (<700μsec) transfer, offline system that fails to safety

·        No need to oversize as with a UPS or CVT

·        Sized depending on load current, power factor and desired ride through time

·        Accurate application control with adjustable ride through time and variable voltage transfer level


·        Control Contactors and Relays

·        Motor Starter Circuits

·        Continuous Factory Control processes

·        Semiconductor equipment processes Instrumentation Systems

·        Industrial PLC Controls

·        Plastic Extrusion processes

·        Beverage and Bottling processes


Detailed information

Click here for a detailed description of the DPI. You can further enhance the testing and maintenance of the DPI by installing a Bypass Switch.  The sag Simulator is used to test the DPI